Saturday 21 February 2009

The first signs of spring

I was listening to my ipod like normal when I walked through the park yesterday morning on my way to the train station, and instead of my head being filled with the music of Brand New what I could hear was Brand New with bursts of tweeting. Thinking there might be some weird thing going on with my pod I turned it off so that I could take a look at it, and then noticed that I was surrounded in a very loud chorus of bird song. It was beautiful. The early morning sunlight was filtering through the trees, the slightly wet path was sparkling under it's rays and the birds were singing their hearts out. It was beautiful. So I put my ipod back in my bag and walked through the park enjoying what felt like maybe the first signs of Spring. I certainly hope Spring is nearly here. I love it when the flowers start to bloom and the trees grow new leaves, there is something very cheerful about it and it feels like it has been winter for a long time.

My dog Buffy is sulking right now as I have just had to tell her off again for trying to eat cat food. For some reason she seems to love the stuff (though to be fair she seems to pretty much want to eat anything that is food like or is not... like plastic, Cd's, chairs, etc...)

I took a day off this week and had a private riding lesson, which was brilliant. My instructor put me on the lunge for a part of the lesson and I was able to really get my balance by trotting in circles quite fast with no hands. I really feel it gave me a lot of confidence, and Jimmy (the horse I ride) was really good for the whole lesson. My instructor had told me that I needed to be more bossy with him to make him listen to me and I feel like I really managed it as after the first couple of tries he was listening and doing everything that I asked him too. I feel very pleased and am looking forward to my next lesson on Sunday.

I was just so glad to have a day off from work this week. Over the last couple of weeks at points I have been so busy and overwhelmed with work I haven't felt like I have been able to have a clear thought. It is like having to constantly address emergency situations except with more boring things like presentations and spreadsheets etc. I feel like there is nothing really creative to what I do. But I guess it will all pay off when I have saved enough money to go and see my friends in Az and I manage to have a decent amount of time off.

Anyway today is Saturday and I don't have to work :) I am going to spend the day doing a bit of yoga, a bit of drawing and I might go and check out if there is any new exhibitions at the art gallery inside the park near me.

Buffy is now over her sulk and is snuggled up by my feet - she is never moody for long.

I am off to enjoy my day.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you. I hope that Spring is coming. I am so sick of my babies being sick and the cold. I want to open the windows and door and get some fresh air. I hope you can come over sometime. It will be so fun and I can get out of the house. Sounds like riding is going great for you. We can go horse back riding when you come.
