Sunday, 25 April 2010

I dream of taking the red pill: maybe then I'll wake up

I have had a fun couple of weeks. I went to the Stonewall Equality Dinner the other week. Lots of champagne, celebrities, a crazy auction and some really great company. I had the best time. Even though I ended up having a 'chundercat' moment at 5am (the champagne was def a contributing factor to this).

I also went to my first band practice with my new band and enjoyed hearing my songs transformed into something more. It was fun. I always forget just how much I enjoy playing music.

I have been doing lots of artwork recently and have been bubbling with cool ideas for a new series of photographs... I will reveal more once I have taken them :-) I do feel quite excited about it though.

I have also been making plans for my 30th birthday. 30! OMG! I still can't believe that I am turning 30. I don't feel any older and I feel there are lots more adventures to be had, so I guess it is all still good...but jeesh! 30 sounds like a damn scary age.
Hmmmm! Stepping away from another 30-life-crisis moment and swiftly moving on...

Well the last weekend of my 20's is nearly over and I am writing this whilst contemplating what it would be like to exist in a Utopian society and if one will ever exist. Is peace really the stuff of science fiction and if it does exist, can utopia really truly exist without anything eventually destroying it?

I have been contemplating things like this a lot recently. Meh! must be my age.

Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
The Matrix

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Star gazing: Silence in the night sky

Twirling, a whirling dervish

A dancer with two left feet

Each step

Exploring the fathoms of the universe

Amidst the satin white pages

Thick with

The smell of new chances and memories hidden

Like secrets


The fires

Burn brightly

Rose petals

Spreading the scent of desire

By fingertips and empty footprints

The haze of twilight

Keeps you still

Though your heart, leaps in time with the oncoming night

Pink stained cheeks, once hot

Now frozen in the fires of starlight

by Susie McBeth