Well I am busy packing bags and boxes in preparation of moving into my dream house.
This house is a very cute cottage, surrounded by beautiful views at the top of a hill. It has the original stone walls and giant windows and there is a really nice garden with a pond, a separate veggie patch and plenty (read massively) huge amounts of room for the dogs to run around and get into trouble in. It will be an adventure – I just hope we manage to get settled before Christmas – I wonder if Santa will still know where I live? ;-)
I imagine that it will get very wild living so high up. Especially when the snow starts to fall or when the storms start to rage... we will see.
November has been a busy month. Apart from sorting out all things to do with moving. I have been dealing with irritating hospital appointments and annoying waits in doctor’s surgeries - you gotta love the healthcare system. But I should not complain – they are helping (waiting times aside). I have also been to see some live music, I have thought about going to the cinema and then not got around to it and I have been working on some new drawings as well as trying to work out what to get people for Christmas – oh and I seem to have eaten an enormous amount of noodle meals this month (mostly from Wokon – a totally fab noodle bar). All in all it has been a pretty sweet month and the cherry on the cupcake has def been the new awesomely cute cottage.
So I went to see Poison the Well, Thursday and Rise Against play in Manchester the other day and they were awesome. I esp. liked Thursday (well they are one of my favourite bands) when they played ‘Understanding in a Car Crash’ my heart nearly beat right out of my chest. I love their music so much and live they are amazing. I wanted them to play for hours, but as they were a support act they couldn’t very well do that. Rise Against were fantastic, I was really impressed with the way they whipped up the crowd, getting everyone to sing in unison and really listen to what they had to say. The frontman Tim jumped around the stage, climbing on amps and anything else he could possibly jump up on - all the time singing perfectly! I felt quite swept up and in the moment. It was very exciting.
Christmas spirit is starting to tingle in my veins. The Christmas lights have been turned on in Leeds and every night I walk past the giant tree and see the coloured lights twinkling – it never fails to make me smile.
However, I have noticed an increase in ‘Bah humbuggers’ this year. People rolling their eyes at plans being made at Christmas, people commenting that Christmas is just a wacked out holiday for the religious types or a hopped up excuse for toy companies to start bleeding parents dry of their hard earned cash. Hmmm being someone who is pretty much on Christmas countdown from April – I find ‘humbugger’ types unsettling - I like to think that even if you are not religious, Christmas is a time when people come together to catch up and show their loved ones that they care, be it thorough any number of ways including (but not limiting it to); phone calls, dinners, presents, hugs, kisses or an e-card. I see It is as a time for magic to seep into everyone’s insular worlds – to feel the satisfaction of waking up on Christmas morning being surrounded by (hopefully) your loved ones faces and being able to spread the joy you feel further. We spend so much time feeling alone (even when we are surrounded by people) it would be nice if people could start helping each other. I don’t know – I feel like I am not getting my point across. I just feel like Christmas is a time for people to suck it up and start making an effort with each other, make amends, find the fun, spread the joy, spread the peace. Follow your bliss people – let’s make this time of year so good that the joy spreads out and infuses the whole of 2010. Blah, blah, blah – Christmas rant now over :-)
I better be going – so much to do and I am getting hungry!
Christopher McCandless: “Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.”
(Into the Wild)