Monday, 20 April 2009

Invading Wales

I cannot believe that it is nearly my birthday again. Only 8 days to go before I am another year older but alas I am probably not much wiser. This last year seems to have flown by. But I guess I got quite a lot done - like moved house, transferred into a new office, started studying and got a beautiful dog who will soon be 1 years old (on May 3rd).

Recently I went to stay with my friends in Wales. We celebrated Easter with an Easter Egg hunt which was loads of fun. It was really sweet watching their little girl hunt for eggs and chocolate bunnies. We also went to a really cool National Trust place called Erddig which had a really interesting old house and really pretty gardens, we also saw lots of cute animals at a farm. It was a really enjoyable and relaxing weekend and it was really nice catching up with them and hearing all their news.

This weekend I am off to Wales again - to Anglesey this time. I am really excited as the place where I am going to has Puffins right near it and this time the dogs will be coming too. I can't wait to see Buffy's reaction to the sea. It will be her first time at the beach. I really like Wales.
I also have booked next week off of work, so that I can enjoy birthday in peace.

I had a riding lesson yesterday that was really good but left me feeling very tired. I rode a horse called Big Jack and he was fantastic but hard work. I really feel like I am improving. Plus it is extra nice going riding now that the weather is nice. I just hope the weather holds out for the next couple of weeks. However, I am feeling very stiff and sore today - in fact any movement at all hurts (I think it was the Pilates at lunchtime in addition to the riding yesterday that pretty much finished me off). I will be spending tonight on the sofa trying not to move.

I just had a very funny memory that made me giggle. It was of me and my friend P carrying a super heavy mattress all the way through Sneinton in Nottingham, whilst being given very funny looks from people walking & people driving by... We had many rest stops and at one point (to be truthful, several points) I felt like dropping the sofa down onto the pavement and collapsing on top of it in a heap). P was very patient and totally sweet to help me carry it what felt like miles from his house to mine. We must have looked crazy! Ah memories... lol. I am glad we saw the task through though, as the matress is very comfy and I have enjoyed sleeping on it every night since I moved. Next time though - I am thinking I will hire a van!

Things I am loving so far this week...
'Almost Famous' - watched it again last night and still thought it was awesome.
Philip K Dick - the man is a genius
Catching up with friends who I have not heard from in ages

Things I am not loving so much...
The printer at work - Why does it not print from the drawer I keep opting to print from??? Horrible thing!
Worms - they seem to be everywhere at the moment.

Later! :)